Challenge: The CEO of a high growth services company needed to increase his strategic focus as he was transitioning business models, relocating operations to a state-of-the-art facility, doubling staff, and introducing new services. He was experiencing a challenge in juggling priorities and was aware that delays in his decisions was costing money and making it hard for his staff to finalize and implement their own parts of the transition.
How We Helped: We coached the CEO on clarifying his business vision, mission, objectives, values, and strategy so he could better prioritize goals and increase his leadership effectiveness. During the coaching process, he identified accountabilities he could drop and delegate to significantly free up his time and energy. He also reconciled some conflicts in priorities that allowed him to more clearly lay out an actionable transition plan that he and his staff were able to carry out.
Results: Based upon greater clarity and focus, operations were minimally disrupted during the relocation and transformation, and the CEO was able to hit his objectives on schedule. This contributed to the business realizing a 300% increase in gross profits for the year.